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Bridal Train

Sixteen-year-old Chloe Crandall lands the role of a mail order bride in a reality show about modern Americans recreating a wagon train journey along the Santa Fe Trail.


Chloe undertakes the grueling 500-mile slog because her long-distance heartthrob Zach will be waiting for her at the end of the trail. But first, she and her wagon full of teenage mail order brides have to survive the  torturous, pioneer-type elimination ordeals devised by the show’s producers.


Chloe also finds herself in showmances with a good guy cowboy and a bad boy trail biker, who is following the wagon train for his own mysterious reasons. Reasons that Chloe just has to find out.


Despite their best efforts, Chloe and her exhausted, underfed wagon mates are marked for reality show betrayal and death. But Chloe believes they still have one slim chance to make it to the end of the trail. 


If they can find the fortitude to press on alone and take that chance…

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